Good Citizens Get Automobile Insurance

Let’s face the facts, the dire economic times have made countless people lose their jobs. In fact, unemployment is the most common reason why a lot of people fail to renew or even have automobile insurance policies.

Although there is no formal research undertaken which correlates this argument, the surprising number of Americans with no car insurance now runs at a high of almost 16% or one out of six, according to the Insurance Research Council.

The introduction of Obama’s health care law and whether health insurance could be mandated by the government has also brought in legal questions as to whether the government has a right to mandate auto insurance. At present, most of the states in the US require automobile insurance for vehicle owners. This is a country where having no car insurance could mean fines, suspension of driver’s license and even jail.

The legal debate rages on. However, the moral and financial debate has long been buried with the fact that there were 5,505,000 motor vehicle traffic crashes in the US in 2009. The data came from the national statistics of the US census.

This points to the startling reality that America’s roadways are not safe. The government tries its best to curb the economic ramifications that these can impinge on its citizens. But if a driver does not get automobile insurance and figures in a vehicular accident, not just one party gets harmed.

The cost for every road accident is levied on tax payers, medical institutions and even the legal system. These will be explained later, while you take this opportunity to have a look at car insurance quotes in a new light.

What the Government is Doing

Citizens usually look at the government as a controlling entity. They’re the authorities that mandate, enforce and make the laws. But it’s also true that they bear the brunt of everything that goes wrong in society. If you don’t believe this, then take a look at the step by step process that occurs right after an accident.

Two cars collide on a road:-The authorities with the jurisdiction on that road, sends troopers to assess the situation. If someone gets hurt, they call for medical services. The EMTs provide first aid to those who are hurt. The authorities then investigate the accident and may call representatives from the insurance company if any. They then haul the wreckage of the two vehicles to a garage or another facility. If the people and if the cars that figure in the vehicular accident don’t have auto insurance then one party may sue the other. The process goes for a long time.

First of all, it’s the government that funded the road:-Next, it’s the government that pays the salaries of the officers. It’s also the government that pays for the gasoline of the tow truck, the police cars and maybe even the ambulance. Court officials and employees are also paid by the government. The facility that stores the wreckages are also paid and staffed. If any public property is damaged, you can guess who’ll be the one who would foot the bill.

So, it is very callous to say that the only people who are affected when a single road accident occurs are the ones who figured in the accident. That is wrong. Everyone who pays their taxes and who’s driving on that roadway gets affected indirectly. This is true, if the people who figured in the accident don’t have automobile insurance at all.

Suddenly, those car insurance quotes that you’ve rejected and ignored are beginning to look attractive.

But that’s not all. In efforts to curb vehicular accidents, the government has in fact created at least one department which is tasked with studying how accidents can be prevented in the first place. This department is called the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Did you know that the NHTSA was created in 1970 with the Highway Safety Act of 1970?

The NHTSA and Automobile Insurance

These two are very distinct but related. The NHTSA is the government arm which is mandated by law to come up with ways and guidelines that could reduce if not altogether do away with vehicular accidents. In short, this is the government’s way in showing that it’s doing its part.

The question is, have you done yours? Your responsibility is very simple and lies with automobile insurance. At the very least, this takes care of the financial responsibility that you have to shoulder when these accidents occur.

As an agency, the NHTSA is involved with a lot of interesting things. They’ve divided the organization into three divisions:

Pedestrian and Applied Biomechanics Division. Their research primarily focuses on the impact of vehicles on people. They make extensive use of crash test dummies in different circumstances to come up with recommendations for safety guidelines governing drivers, passengers and even the pedestrians.

Vehicle Stability and Control Division-This is the division which looks into the physics involved in vehicles. They look into the safety of vehicles as it moves. They take into account all the factors that have to do with movement and stopping. When a vehicle has been shown to be dangerous, they alert the manufacturers of the dangers that their vehicles can introduce.

Defects Analysis and Crashworthiness Design:- The way a vehicle is designed figures greatly on whether the occupants would be safe or not. Here, they scrutinize the design of all vehicles to see whether it’s been built with the protection of the passengers in mind.

Now what has these got to do with automobile insurance?


First of all, the safety guidelines surrounding vehicles are constantly being improved. There might come a time when accidents would all but be made improbable because of measures to create safer cars. Imagine what your car insurance quotes would look like when the time comes.

Going back to premiums, the core basis for their prices has been reliant on actuarial data on vehicle safety as well as government regulation.

When the time comes when automobiles are extremely made safe to the point that deaths and injuries through accidents are no longer possible – then premiums could become lower. Although at present, such has not occurred yet, it remains a distinct possibility for the near future.

For the meantime, your task and responsibility as a private citizen is to get automobile insurance. Doing so nowadays is fairly easy and comparing the offerings of different companies could be made online. As a good citizen, you are tasked with ensuring that the financial means to solve the problem falls squarely on your shoulders.

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